Instagram Analytics

Share of Voice

Measure your contribution to the conversation

Find out how loud you are in the market by comparing your share of voice against your competitors and see how that translates into engagement. You can measure your share of voice based on keywords, phrases, and campaigns.

Image analytics

Quantify visual marketing campaigns easily

Use Data Bake Factory’s in-depth social media image analytics to find the most used and engaging colors and objects in images used by a particular brand or industry. You can also view word clouds of object tags and colors used by a brand on Instagram.

Campaign intelligence

Benchmark the performance of your marketing campaigns

Find out how your Instagram campaigns performed and compare them with those of your competitors. Identify campaigns that engaged best with fans and drill down on a particular campaign to derive insights from its interaction metrics.


Find the best time to post on Instagram

Identify the time of day and day of the week that works best for your brand. Data Bake Factory’s intuitive charts compare your publishing time with engagement received to show you which time will help your brand get the highest engagement.