Market Research

What Is Market Research?

Market research is the process of determining the viability of a new service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers. Market research allows a company to discover the target market and get opinions and other feedback from consumers about their interest in the product or service.

This type of research can be conducted in-house, by the company itself, or by a third-party company that specializes in market research. It can be done through surveys, product testing, and focus groups. Test subjects are usually compensated with product samples or paid a small stipend for their time. Market research is a critical component in the research and development (R&D) of a new product or service.

Conjoint Center of Excellence

DataBake Factory applies advanced conjoint methodologies, including customized “what if” simulators, to steer strategic decisions for major brands. Gain clarity on the ideal product/service mix, cannibalization, and market inflexion points.

Segmentation Strategies

Segmentation can be applied in all stages of the customer lifecycle. Achieve efficient targeting and optimal portfolio strategies by identifying actionable microsegments. Refine and optimize strategies with cutting-edge segmentation analytics.

Concept Testing

Clients save millions by relying less on instinct and more on what customers really think and want. DataBake Factory’s in-house experts can conduct customized tests on your behalf, or you can use our automated concept testing capabilities.

Media Effectiveness with Media Mind

The what, why, and how of media planning and execution are key to defining the success and impact of any campaign. Our Media Mind offering scientifically brings together survey data, social media, media GRPs and in-house sales to better manage customer interactions.

Customer Experience Model

Unleash tangible business value by effectively managing the entire customer journey with a holistic customer experience solution. Meaningful experiences increase customer loyalty and strengthen brand affinity.

Global Survey Services

Get best-in-class custom surveys from dedicated teams with global expertise. From survey design and coding through data collection and results dashboards, projects of any size are delivered quickly and held to a high standard of quality.