Twitter Analytics

Hashtag analytics

Identify popular hashtags used in your industry

Check the number of times a particular hashtag is used and the total engagement generated by the related tweets. Correlate the number of times hashtags were used with the corresponding engagement to understand the response to hashtag usage in your industry.

Reply analysis

Find out the champion of customer service

Understand how brands in your industry are responding to users, analyze the type of their replies, and check brands’ Average Reply Times (ARTs) over any time period. Xia, our AI, also helps you to analyze user sentiment towards brand tweets.

Share of Voice

Understand your brand’s position in its industry

Find out how much you contribute to the conversation in your market when compared with your competitors. Compare your tweets around a particular keyword, phrase, or campaign with those of your competitors, not just based on the volume of tweets, but also interactions and engagement.

Campaign intelligence

Measure your campaign performance

Study the performance of any brands’ campaigns, including the engagement over time and average engagement score. Use this information to find out what works and doesn’t in your industry. Additionally, if you’ve run campaigns similar to your competitors’, you can benchmark your performance against theirs to see where you stand in the market.